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Data Governance
What is data governance?

Data governance is "a framework of processes aimed at defining and managing the quality, consistency, usability, security, preservation, and availability of information with the primary focus on cross-functional, cross-departmental, and/or cross-divisional concerns of information management.”

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  • Data is owned by the university – it does not belong to any specific unit.
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  • Data should be corrected at the source system when possible.
  • Data quality enforcement and improvement is ultimately the responsibility of the system owners.
  • Data stewards should determine approaches for remediation and ensure remediation task assignments are completed in a timeline consistent with university priorities.

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  • Identify core data
  • Standardize definitions/terms
  • Document assumptions, source system, logic applied, etc.


  • Formal certification process
  • Data Quality Scorecards
  • Remediation


  • Change evaluation process
  • Communication channel & notifications


  • Data available to appropriate user at appropriate summarization level
  • Obscuring data for small sample sizes
  • Prevention of accidental or intentional data breach

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Committees & Roles
Data Cookbook
Benefits of Data Governance